Category: Diplomatic Corps in Sri Lanka


Why should Sri Lanka allow Rohingya illegal “asylum seekers”?

    The Daily Mirror carried an article on the Rohingyas. As per the article Rohingya “asylum seekers” had held a protest in front of the UNHCR Colombo in early 2024 demanding permanent solution...


Can India safeguard its national security by weakening Sri Lanka’s national security?

We often hear Indian leaders pressurizing Sri Lankan leaders that Sri Lanka’s foreign policy must ensure the security interests of India. At no point in time has Sri Lanka ever thought or even planned...


The Political Tsunami in Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Elections

Parliamentary elections in recent years had never seen what resulted in nothing short of a tsunami on 14 November 2024. The silver lining was that virtually all of the old brigade who had entered...


Mahamolakaru behind attack on Israeli’s in Sri Lanka & Israeli Honorary Consul violating Diplomatic Protocols

  Sri Lanka managed to avert a disaster as a result of timely intel surveillance & prevented a likely massacre of Israeli tourists frequenting the Eastern Coast of Arugam Bay for surfing. The sudden...