Category: International Issues


Attempt to roll out LGBTQIA agenda in Sri Lanka – Lessons from transgender swimmer Lia Thomas

Having claimed to be a woman, male Will Thomas became a transgender Lia Thomas and went on  to compete in the women’s swimming events & won the women’s NCAA college swimming title in 2022...


Sri Lanka’s Parliament toying with biological Male-Female sex to allow foreign-funded LGBTQIA+++ agenda to ruin Sri Lanka’s society

WATCH OUT FOR THESE LGBTQIA Sri Lanka was declared economically bankrupt in 2022. Its 2024 and we are fast on our way to becoming socially & culturally bankrupt as well. This situation is sadly...


India prevented food-fuel-medicines to Nepal in 2015 – Sri Lanka doesn’t learn lessons

  How many are aware of the 2015 economic embargo imposed by India on Nepal simply because Nepal was including clauses in its new constitution in September 2015 that India did not like! It...


Blinken without blinking says “Collateral damage” is to be expected in Israeli-Hamas standoff – Sri Lanka says “Oh really”!

  The Israeli-Hamas standoff strangely has many bedfellows suddenly entering the scene & we cannot but highlight the hypocrisies at play on how the UN/UNHRC & international community reacted to Sri Lanka’s efforts against...


Cardinal’s Congratulatory Dispatches to C4

Not only is Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith the opening batsman in the C4 documentary, he has also decided to be the night watchman having prepared a 3 page letter in English and even going the...

TAMIL PROBLEM : There is/was no ethnic problem – There was/is a caste problem 0

TAMIL PROBLEM : There is/was no ethnic problem – There was/is a caste problem

The international community has been gulping half-baked stories not because they are unaware of the true story, but because the true story does not fit into their scheme of things. Knowing this ground reality,...