Category: War on Terror / Separatism


Wikileaks discloses source of 40,000 (deaths) as Ranil Wickremasinghe

  Many have wondered where the figure of 40,000 emerged & why it has been extensively quoted by entities who were not even in Sri Lanka & in particular why the figure was included...


Minister Sabry: Surely you should know Sri Lanka’s terrorism is no comparison to South Africa’s apartheid

Sri Lanka’s politicians may enjoy jaunts overseas but they must be sensible to not agree to every foolhardy suggestion that comes their way. We have had a string of foreign ministers nod their heads...


NO TRUTH COMMISSION if Church role in LTTE terrorism-separatism is not included

While India may have begun the initial training and arming of LTTE towards late 1970s, there is another player that often escapes the radar of accountability. Sri Lanka’s governments have failed to identify the...


Sri Lanka’s Policy of Appeasement betrayed the Nation & Armed Forces at UNHRC

  It’s now 13 years since LTTE was defeated. Let’s cut to the chase & put on the table the reason why Sri Lanka is still grappling to close the witch hunt taking place...


Did US use Ukraine-Russia war to weaken Europe?

  Was US using Ukraine for a bigger goal than to draw Russia into a proxy war? Did US use the Ukraine war to destabilize & weaken EU? Shouldn’t EU leaders & Europeans wake...