Category: Role of West & Alliances


Blinken without blinking says “Collateral damage” is to be expected in Israeli-Hamas standoff – Sri Lanka says “Oh really”!

  The Israeli-Hamas standoff strangely has many bedfellows suddenly entering the scene & we cannot but highlight the hypocrisies at play on how the UN/UNHRC & international community reacted to Sri Lanka’s efforts against...


Some questions for Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau from Sri Lanka

  LTTE elimination Did you know LTTE was defeated in May 2009 after LTTE refused 3 opportunities given to lay down arms & surrender & chose to face its fate. Consultative Committees Did you...


China’s Foreign Ministry briefing on US Hegemony and Its Perils

China’s Foreign Ministry in February 2023 accused the US of interfering in the internal affairs of countries, willfully waging wars & bringing harm to the international community via ‘coloured revolutions’ on the pretext of...


Is the Global Elites ransacking world economy to make sure we own nothing?

  The Global Research article titled “Historical analysis of the Global Elites: ransacking the world economy until you’ll own nothing” by Robert I Burrowes is not only worth reading but worth thinking about too....