Arahaths & Trincomalee


Thapassuka-Bhalluka two leading traders arrived in Sri Lanka’s Trincomalee district. They came to enshrined Buddha’s hair relics while Buddha was living. Girihanduseya is where Buddha’s hair relics are enshrined. Trincomalee is mentioned during a visit of Buddha to our country. During Buddha’s 3rd visit to Sri Lanka, he visited sacred Seruvila and with his own hands and placed flowers. It was during Kind Devanampiyatissa’s reign that Trincomalee became a sacred place of the Buddha. The king is said to have built 84,000 vihara’s in and around Trincomalee which was a place of millions of arahaths. Where are these vihara’s now? During this period a mother bore over 30 children. It is said that Sinhabahu & Sinhaseevali had 32 children. Even now, there are mothers who have given birth to 18 children in Trincomalee. It is no surprise that so many arahaths lived during this period in Trincomalee.

A Sinhalese farmer whose chickens climbed to the roofs of houses in Trincomalee were chased by the owner who ended up in Polonnaruwa as the chickens went from roof to roof. This example shows how many Sinhalese had been living in this area. There are also tales that mothers could not dry their clothes as there were so many arahaths in the sky covering the entire island. King Saddhatissa’s reign give evidence of these arahaths.

Seruwila Raja Maha Viharaya

Tissa Mahavehera (Seruwila) in Trincomalee & Sithulpawula there had been 24,000 student arahaths. The atuwa katha gives more fascinating details. We are unable to tell when the last arahaths arrived or whether there are still more to descend. It all depends on the good deeds and the compassion of the people.

Kind Devanampiyatissa

King Valagambha


However sacred texts reveal that from King Devanampiyatissa to the reign of King Valagambha – the island nation was blessed with so many arahaths especially in Trincomalee or Gokannapurawaraya. The number of vihara’s in one gramasevaka divison alone is shocking. Galmatiyawa South has ruins of 28 viharas. The partially visible ruins are beyond scope to count. In Kantale Thambalagama there are over 2000 traces of iron works that is evidence of the civilization that existed during ancient times. Though we do not do any of these activities now but in ancient times we produced gold, copper and other materials. This was a period of bloom under the protection and guidance of the arahaths. People did not stray, they followed the dhamma and its teachings & all lived pious lives.

Ruins of Lowamahapaya

During this time the Lowamahapaye columns numbered 1600 and 9 floors and dana was offered to 57600 arahaths during Anuradhapura era. You can imagine the number of arahaths that descended to Trincomalee prior to Anuradhapura era.

To listen to and embrace these amazing times that are all provided with evidence should make readers and listeners feel that they have done good karma and share with their family & friends too.

Reflections on Dukkha and Taking Refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha -  Velivada - Educate, Agitate, Organize

Take refuge in the Dhamma – you will never go wrong


පිං අනුමෝදම් වේවා to all the arahaths that protected our island & led our peoplt along the correct path.

තෙරුවන් සරණි

Arunasiri Kottegoda


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