Monthly Archive: April 2023


LGBTQ ව්‍යාපාරයෙන් අපේ දරුවන් බේරා ගන්න

  LGBTQ ව්‍යාපාරය සමලිංගිකයින්, සමලිංගිකයන්, ද්වි-ලිංගිකයන් හෝ සංක්‍රාන්ති ලිංගිකයන් ලෙස ජීවත් වීමට සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු, නමුත් ඔවුන් දරුවන්ගේ ලිංගිකත්වය සමඟ ගැටීමට උත්සාහ කරන විට, අපි සියල්ලෝම නැගී සිටිය යුතුය. LGBTQ ව්‍යාපාරය පවතින්නේ මිනිසුන් LGBTQ බවට...


American Public Schools: Indoctrinating children with LGBTQ : Prevent it coming to Sri Lanka

“Sex education in public schools: Sexualization of children & LGBT indoctrination” by Cathy Ruse needs to be read by all to understand what parents are up against. It’s a far more dangerous agenda than...


Cardinal – reveal the “maha molakaru” of Easter Sunday or forever hold your peace

  It is becoming rather annoying listening to the Cardinal & his rants on Easter Sunday “mahamolakaru”. It’s been 4  years and people rightly need a closure. If the Cardinal is disregarding investigation findings...


Who are promoting LGBTQ among adults & children & influencing governments?

Are there more powerful people than politicians who can get what they want with the power of funding? Who are these people who openly & anonymously fund lobby groups, legislative changes, all modes of...


Collaborating to destroy the Sinhala Buddhist foundation of Sri Lanka – Education & Maha Sangha

  This is taking place at 2 levels – targeting adults & the Sangha through various denationalization programs in order to take them away from defending/protecting/preserving National Culture/Heritage & then using education as a...


Attempts to denationalize Sri Lankan citizens

  Running parallel to removing nationally controlled state-entities are well funded initiatives to create non-citizens out of citizens. The goal is to remove any passion within people to defend one’s nation. When a nation...