Category: Crimes of the West


Connecting the dots to Eelam: Thimpu Talks-Himalayan Declaration-Akhand Bharath

Where did it all begin & where will it all end? Not too many are able to piece the puzzle. To do so, requires us to go back in time to colonial divide &...


Amnesty International Secretary General Agnes Callamard arrives to commemorate LTTE dead in Mullaivaikkal

In 2011 AMNESTY accepted $50,000 from a Canadian based LTTE front, so naturally it is not a surprise when AMNESTY International’s Alan Keenan quoted 40,000 to 147,000 dead. Can Amnesty produce names of even...


UN/UNHRC/US & Allies hypocrisy – comparison of Sri Lanka & the Gaza Conflict

  This is not to present notion that Israel is right or wrong, or that Sri Lanka is right or wrong but to question UN’s treatment of Member states & the applicability of the...


India prevented food-fuel-medicines to Nepal in 2015 – Sri Lanka doesn’t learn lessons

  How many are aware of the 2015 economic embargo imposed by India on Nepal simply because Nepal was including clauses in its new constitution in September 2015 that India did not like! It...

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s! 0

South African Truth & Reconciliation Commission was a waste of Tax Payers money – so will Sri Lanka’s!

Any truth & reconciliation commission that shies from exposing the true players who trained, armed and funded militancy in Sri Lanka as well as provide covert & overt support that led to the 3...


Blinken without blinking says “Collateral damage” is to be expected in Israeli-Hamas standoff – Sri Lanka says “Oh really”!

  The Israeli-Hamas standoff strangely has many bedfellows suddenly entering the scene & we cannot but highlight the hypocrisies at play on how the UN/UNHRC & international community reacted to Sri Lanka’s efforts against...


Debt Colonization by IMF/WB: Sri Lanka take lessons from Argentina

US-India Regime change in Sri Lanka in 2015 & multinational corporations promoting Mauricio Macri as President of Argentina also in 2015 have similarities. IMF/WB began playing key roles after the regime change. IMF &...