Did US President Biden take a $5m “bribe” from Ukrainian energy company

A whistle blower had informed that the FBI was in possession of documents related to a bribe taken by the sitting President while serving as Vice President in 2015. The company in question is Burisma where Bidens son was employed from 2014-2019 receiving more than $50,000 per month. Biden has dismissed the bribery allegations as a “bunch of malarkey” but he acknowledged firing Ukraine’s top prosecutor Viktor Shokin who was investigating Burisma for corruption. Biden had threatened to withhold US aid. While Biden’s misadventures are being hidden, the administration is going after the former President which looks to be a classic case of politicized prosecution using the Dept of Justice.

The US is the self-appointed good governance guru of the world. It enjoys dictating to the world about how countries should be governed. The manner that US bullies smaller nations dictating what is good governance, transparency, anti-corruption, its harangue over nepotism has all back-fired with this expose against the President of the US itself.

President Biden & his family is in hot water. https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1668724111915520001?s=20

Western nepotism has emerged and it is nothing that can be kept under wrap. Ukrainian gas executive has 17 recordings with the Bidens starting in 2015 when Biden was Vice President. The House Oversight Committee requested the documents from FBI. Redacted copies were however sent.

Senator Cruz questions FBI director who refuses to divulge details related to the bribery scheme.


The top US agency is accused of not only hiding the existence of 17 audio recordings but redacting the tapes and refusing to allow the American citizens to see them.


The FBI director Christopher Wray is under wraps


The situation is certainly an embarrassment to the US establishment that enjoys taking a superior stand over all nations and politicians but the controversy & scandal is nothing US President & his team can walk away from – Biden is accused of taking cash from foreign governments but Bidens team is investigating Trump. Biden is accused of taking a bribe from Ukraine but Bidens team is impeaching Trump. Biden is accused of stealing classified documents but Trump is being indicted. Something is clearly wrong in this supra set up!






 = the situation is getting more and more complicated

The latest canard is the “fact checkers” – and the answer lies in the donations!



Biden’s son’s hard drive gives much more information and should make any to question the credibility of global politics – the validity of illegal invasions, the declaration of wars & occupations, the manner corporates take over resources & assets of countries that are either slapped with sanctions, economically programmed to collapse, puppet dictators are installed, democratically elected leaders are overthrown via coups, regime change or even well=-funded people’s “revolutions” most of which are pre-planned & well executed with media narrating the story that people are forced to buy into.

The world watches whether the US Congress will proceed to impeach President Biden for bribery.

Shenali D Waduge

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