If Sri Lanka signs MCC, a Private Company will take over job of Parliament & Politicians


We are living in times when international companies are taking governments to courts and winning millions in compensation. Sovereign governments cannot afford to hold the tax payers to ransom with irresponsible decision making that will only leave the People to suffer consequences. No compensation for wrongs of politicians has ever been paid by them. MCA-SriLankaisto be a private company set up AFTER signing MCC & AFTER the signed MCC Agreement is passed by Sri Lanka’s Parliament.In setting up a private company, the MCC/USA demands that Sri Lanka DELEGATES its POWERS to a private company.If the alarming nature of this has not digested into Sri Lanka’s politicians yet, it should do so. They are likely to soon be jobless. This would mean no requirement for a Parliament, politicians or elections. With powers being passed by politicians to a private company, we are seeing governance of countries pass from people’s representatives to corporate hands.Is Sri Lanka an experiment to see how the political apparatus can be transferred to international corporate hands?


Whether it is this government or the previous government, those flirting with the thought of signing MCC Compact must first realize the dangers they are subjecting Sri Lanka & its citizens for a paltry $480m not even given to Sri Lanka’s Treasury.


A Government is elected to a term in office & expected to function as the guardians of the land & resources and the protector of the People’s sovereignty. Yes or No?


Therefore, the first question is – Do the People elect a government to have them delegate powers the People give to the Government to hand over to a private company? Annex 1-34 of MCC Annex IV

  • How can GoSL allow a Private Company to be the PRIMARY AGENT of the GOSL to legislate on behalf of the Sri Lankan People.
  • How can GoSL allow a Private Company to enter into UNDISCLOSED AGREEMENTS?


  • How can GoSL allow a Private Company to CHANGE LAND POLICY & LAND LAWS of Sri Lanka – [MCC Annex 1V under Independence and Autonomy]


  • Why should Sri Lankasign an agreement with a sub-unit of a foreign country, establish a private company (even if it has foreign-friendly locals working in it) and become the AGENT of the Sri Lankan Government ‘on behalf of the people’. Shouldn’t the GoSL be functioning on behalf of the people not a part-foreign company?
  • Do we know what the powers of this MCA Sri Lanka Private company is? NO.
  • Shouldn’t the GoSL know what the mandate and powers of this private company is before even considering to sign MCC turning a private company to be the PRIMARY AGENT of the GOSL?
  • How many are aware that the $480m funding is to be channeled by this company not by GoSL. Not a penny will go into the Sri Lankan Treasury!
  • Are Sri Lanka’s Politicians aware that Sri Lanka laws will NOT APPLY when MCC becomes operational. INTERNATIONAL LAWwill apply. WITH NO IMMUNITY FOR SRI LANKANS. Immunity given to only one party to the contract constitutes UNFAIR CONTRACT. With international law being applied and MCC US citizens immune from all wrong doings – no Sri Lankan citizen can go to Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court or seek legal assistance.
  • How can GoSL sign MCC Compact & agree to commit an entire nation to a set of ‘unknown agreements’ to be signed by MCA-SRI LANKA on behalf of GoSL (Annex IV) & MCC Page 6/2.5 “Government has already agreed to act according to future agreements
  • Why is GoSL agreeing to privatize ALL STATE LAND?
  • Who has ownership & patent for all passwords/access codes/security codes and back office changes

Of late we are having unprecedented interferences on Sri Lanka’s internal affairs coming from Quad quarters. We are seeing manipulations in statistics too.

It’s all about Modi, Moragoda and Moodys now.


But more worrying to the politicians should be their future – MCC signed & passed by Parliament means international corporates will rule Sri Lanka under international law.



Shenali D Waduge



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