Linking Jaffna University – LTTE & the Separatist Ideology

We need to understand that Tamil militancy is just a branch of a malady that is rooted in a mythical notion that Tamils had an independent autonomous homeland in the island of Lanka. To understand this, we need to look carefully at the demands made & realize that LTTE was only demanding by gun what Tamil political leadership had been demanding via a strategy of ‘little now more later”. The link in synergizing the political will & the militant demands became Jaffna University, the heart of Tamil nationalism which would nurture the necessary academic background to internationalize & sustain the struggle while the proponents made merry via the profits generated from various illegal/legal business ventures, political dealings with geopolitically interested western/Indian alliances and the power to hobnob with internationally influential people that would generate plenty of opportunities for themselves & their families while also enabling the middle class to gain some relief in settling overseas on pretext of discrimination.


It was in the late 1970s after the University of Jaffna was established in 1974 that Tamil nationalist politics entered the university compounds. 50 academics of the university even issued a statement in 1988 calling for Tamils to participate in the 1st election for the merged N-E provincial council following the Indo-Lanka Accord. Following the departure of the IPKF the LTTE managed to assassinate or scare off ‘moderate’ Tamil academics enabling the entire university to come under control of LTTE by 1990s. Thereafter, there is little to say & the manner Jaffna University, its VC, lecturers, staff & students have been openly supporting LTTE as well as the identical demands of Tamil political leaderships connected with LTTE is revealed in the examples below.


Fact 1: Pongu Thamil

Jaffna university commenced the 1st Pongu Thamil (Tamil Uprising) in January 2001 to support ‘Tamil right to self-determination’ ‘Tamil traditional homeland’ the same demands that LTTE has been making. The same demands the Tamil political parties are making. The Pongu Thamil went on to become an annual event held in LTTE areas as well as by LTTE diaspora used as a means to raise funds for LTTE & camouflaged as a cultural program.


Fact 2: Mahaveer Naal (Great Heroes Day ONLY FOR LTTE) – creating a cult of martyrdom

November 27th 1989 was the day on which the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) first observed its annual “Maaveerar Naal” or ONLY LTTE Great Heroes Day.

Sathiyanathan alias Shankar/Suresh was the first LTTE member to die on November 27, 1982 but it took 7 years for LTTE to decide to commemorate its dead. From 1991 the entire week from November 21-27, was declared as Great Heroes Week (“Maaveerar Vaaram”). LTTE leader Prabakharan’s birthday was November 26. LTTE also established cemeteries called “Maaveerar Thuyilum Illangal” (great heroes slumber).

“Maaveerar Kudumbangal” (Great hero families) was a title ONLY for LTTE cadre families. Families of other militants were forbidden from using this title.

LTTE never commemorated or mourned the loss of Tamils who belonged to other Tamil militant movements. LTTE did not regard others as fallen heroes. In fact families of other dead cadres were FORBIDDEN from openly mourning their dead & were told to mourn in private. That means Tamils killed by LTTE would not have been commemorated too nor their families allowed to mourn these dead publicly too.

The 30th anniversary of Mahaveer Naal (Great Heroes Day) will be in November 2019.


Did Jaffna University, Tamil politicians or any other who claim Mahaveer Naal is not an LTTE event observe this before 1989? NO

Given that Mahaveer Naal clearly is an LTTE martyrdom of only its cadres (forbidding public mourning of other militants or public mourning by families of other militants or excludes the mourning of Tamils killed by LTTE by their families) we have every right to question why Jaffna University, its students, lecturers, university staff and TNA MPs et al are demanding to mourn ONLY LTTE dead but pretending to the world that they are mourning ‘civilians’. Who are they all trying to fool?


Fact 3: Flame of Sacrifice (Eegai Chudar)

Was lit at the memorial monument by senior LTTErs in the presence of LTTE hero families. Entire ceremony was decorated with LTTE colours – red & yellow with LTTE flags & Tamil Eelam map. Prabakaran participated at the main event. Prabakaran’s address begins at 06.05p.m. the exact time Shankar died. A picture of Shankar is also garlanded (the same has been happening since 1989)


Fact 4: Politicizing Mahaveer Naal

In 2013 during the NPC campaign TNA observed 2minutes silence in honor of LTTE dead. Some TNA candidates even praised LTTE leaders (D B S Jeyraj 2016 article) The TNA controlled Pradeshiya Sabhas of Karaichchi & Chavakachcheri even passed resolutions to renovate LTTE cemetaries.

C V Wigneswaran continues to light a flame like Prabakaran did in the past.

The hypocrisy of TNA MPs is that it is an alliance of Tamil groups who belonded to other militant groups whom LTTE killed. Unashamedly these militant-turned politicians are happy to mourn LTTE dead completely ignoring the men/women/children that LTTE killed in the parties they originally belonged to.

Mahaveer Naal is to commemorate ONLY LTTE dead & LTTE leader not dead of other militant groups or their leaders or dead civilians killed by LTTE.

Fact 4: LTTE’s Thileepan & Jaffna University

Rasaiah Parthipan or Thileepan is the direct link between LTTE & UofJ as he an undergraduate who joined LTTE in 1983 and fasted unto death which began on 15 September till his death on 26 September 1987 (aged 23). Thileepan’s body was handed over to the University of Jaffna’s medical faculty.


September 2018 – Jaffna University commemorates Thileepan


September 2012 – Jaffna University commemorates Thileepan

September 2007 – Jaffna University commemorates Thileepan


September 2001 – Jaffna University commemorates Thileepan



Fact 5: Attempting to re-write history to be basis for arguments revolving round a mythological Tamil Homeland which Vaddukkodai Resolution artificially impregnated into Tamil minds.

Nowhere in Sri Lanka’s recorded history is there mention of a separate & independent Tamil homeland. Having promised a ‘Tamil Eelam/Homeland’ TULF had no choice but to feed lied to the Tamil people, presenting an illusion and any critics were called ‘traitors to the cause’ & silenced. The superiority complex fed by 3 colonials were copied upon Tamils by leaders using slogans & rhetoric (to understand read book “The Broken Palmyrah”)


Tamil historian Rasanayagam says “Jaffna was occupied by Sinhalese earlier than by Tamils, is seen, not only in the place names but also in some of the habits & customs of the people” (Ancient Jaffna)

Prof. Iyengar “Eelam is the ancient version of the Sinhala word Sihala or Sinhala. Therefore, Eelam stands for the entirety of Ceylon” (preface to Ancient Jaffna)

Codrington “place names in Jaffna indicate that it was held by the Sinhalese at no very remote date, and it was certainly part of the dominion of Parakramabahu 1 (1153-1186AD) …colonization of Jaffna by Tamils, cannot be of extreme antiquity” – Parakdramabahu ruled entire Lanka.

Tamil Eelam was first used in 1923 by Ponnabalam Arunachalam addressing the Tamil League.

When Tamils in South India do not call Tamil Nadu as a Tamil Nation how can Tamils in Sri Lanka demand a Tamil Nation?

Sinhalese do not refer to Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Nation but as a Nation for all but with the acknowledgement that the Sinhala Buddhist identity built the nation as can be seen by the historical artefacts & remains as evidence and it was the Sinhalese that defended the Island against foreign invaders.


That India was never India until 1947 is accepted & was prime reason for Tamils in South India to demand a separate state from the British in 1944 which was refused. The anti-Hindi agitations in India are no different to the anti-Sinhala slogans Tamils have been chanting. Incidentally the 16th amendment to India’s constitution came as a result of Indian Tamils rioting to demand separation in 1958. Sri Lanka’s quest for a separate Tamil State came with the forming of the ITAK in 1949. Let us all be reminded that the Indian Tamils brought to Sri Lanka by colonials to work on colonial plantations were palmed off to Sri Lanka at independence and negative publicity has been generated that Sri Lanka has denied them citizenship. It is the 3 colonial invaders who must take responsibility for these indentured labor without expecting Sri Lanka to give them citizenship.


Essentially, to claim a homeland an ethnic group must have its original roots – so are Tamils rooted in Sri Lanka or India. Tamils in both countries cannot claim a separate state on the same arguments of distinct language, culture etc. There cannot be 2 homelands in 2 different countries either & seeking to amalgamate the 2 areas of (Tamil Nadu & Sri Lanka’s North & East is sine quo non too) Eastern Province was always under the Sinhala king.


If Tamils lived here earlier than Sinhalese how come there are only 2m Tamils as even during colonial rule the Tamils brought from Tamil Nadu outnumbered Tamils living in Sri Lanka. Why did Tamils remain in the most barren part of the island without moving downwards which is what the Sinhalese did. If there was a so-called independent Tamil kingdom where are the historical accounts of relationships between the Anuradhapura & Polonnaruwa kingdoms around 400BC lasting 1400 years?


Sinhalese have solid monuments & irrigation works to show a civilization existed (many still remaining even after attempts to destroy them by 17 South Indian invasions & 3 colonial rulers) – where are the evidence for this Tamil kingdom? If a separate Tamil kingdom existed how did the Sinhalese build Buddhist dagobas in Kathuragoda and throughout Eastern province. South Indian Sena Guttika came in 230BC but where is no mention of the 2 brothers cohabitating with the Tamil kingdom. South Indian invader Elara ruled too but there are no treaties with him & so-called independent Tamil kingdom.


Therefore, Tamil academics have taken it upon themselves to re-write history, create new maps of ‘Eelam’ and these lies are being spread amongst Tamil children & youth through Jaffna University.

January 2001

1st Pongu Thamil (Tamil Resurgence)

Undergraduates, Teachers & university staff of the Eastern University in Batticoloa & College of Education in Vavuniya held rallies demanding GOSL engage in talks with LTTE to recognize Tamil right to self-determination.

Jaffna university held their own Pongu Tamil rallies with teachers. Fr. Jeyapalana, S Nanthakumar of the Commerce Faculty addressed the rally.


April 2002

1st anniversary Pongu Thamil rally at the Jaffna University medical faculty grounds

“LTTE is the sole representatives of Tamils”

“Pirapaharan is our leader” were shouted by people holding photos of Prabakaran.

MPs of TNA, Jaffna University VC Prof. S. Balasundarampillai, Eastern University VC Prof. V.S. Mookiah


April 2002

The Hindu – Nirupama Subramanian on Pongu Tamil

Pro-LTTE Pongu Tamil rally at the Jaffna University grounds held after LTTE opens 1st political office in Jaffna (Kokkuvil) under the terms of the CFA between Prabakaran & PM Ranil in 2002 after 1995. The Pongu Tamil event glorified LTTE leader, pledged allegiance to goal of self-determination, Tamil homeland and Tamil Nation. Pongu Thamil Declaration that LTTE was the sole representative of the Tamils


January 2003

2nd Pongu Thamil/1st Anniversary (Tamil Resurgence) at Jaffna University under theme ‘we want our land’

LTTE Jaffna Political Head Ilamparuthi hoistet Tamil Eelam flag in Jaffna University Students Union complex

LTTE’s Lt.Col. Sara lit flame of sacrifice in the morning & Jaffna University Vice Chancellor S. Balasundarampillai lit it in the evening.

Jaffna Student Union President K Paranaeetharan opened exhibition of historical documents

Excerpts from 2003 Pongu Thamil Declaration:

“We further urged the government to recognize the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as the sole representative of Tamils and to initiate dialogue with the LTTE. Today we are very glad to note that talks take place between the government and the LTTE.”


September 2004

Sri Lankan’s write to Canadian PM against Pongu Thamil

Claimed that Pongu Thamil was a bogey to raise funds for LTTE organized by Canadian Tamil Student Association though the real organizers were the World Tamil Movement & the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils – leading LTTE fronts.


June 2005

Ponguthamil Declaration garlanded by Mr. T. Thevarajah, Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce, University of Jaffna.

`We, the Tamil people declare that we will defeat Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism and regain our traditional homeland from the occupation of armed forces. We will exercise our right to self-determination in our land with our own strength`

declaration by students of Jaffna campus read at the conclusion of a renaissance event `Voice of Tamil Nation` held Sunday at the Kailasapathy Auditorium. K. Selvakumar, President of the Jaffna University Students Union hoisted the Thamileelam national flag and the Vice Chancellor Professor C. Mohanathas, lit the flame of sacrifice. S. Paramanathan, President of the Jaffna District Humanitarian Agencies` Consortium presided.


Excerpts from Rev.Fr Bernard’s keynote address:

`The root cause for the two decade old war is the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinistic policies of the successive governments.’

`The LTTE demonstrating is military strength signed the ceasefire agreement with the the Government of Sri Lanka. But power struggle in the South continue to deny the Tamil people the benefits of the ceasefire agreement.’


January 2005

4th anniversary of 1st Tamil Resurgence Movement (Pongu Tamil) was held at the Jaffna University Kailasapathy Auditorium.

  1. Ilamparithi, LTTE Jaffna District political head gave keynote address.

Common flame of sacrifice lit by Jaffna Vice Chancellor C. Mohanathas who also laid the foundation for the Maveerar monument to be constructed at entrance of university.

Also participating was N Paramanathan Chairman of the Jaffna Humanitarian Agencies Consortium.

The nameboard was garlanded by T Thevaraja head of Commerce faculty

TNA MPs – Pathmini Sithamparanathan, K Sivajilingam, S Gajendran & K Sivanesan participated. 


September 2005

Pongu Tamil held in Jaffna University Grounds

Thousands from Jaffna, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Batticoloa, Ampara, Mannar gather calling for army to vacate ‘Tamil homeland’ and declare Tamil right to ‘self-determination’.

The Tamil Resurgence Torch was lit by Ganesh (Government Agent)

Also participating – Bhramma Sri Chandrasekara Sharma, Moulavi Sahil,


All 22 TNA MPs led by R Sampanthan participated. Joseph Pararajasingham delivered felicitation speech

P Chandrasekeran – UP-Country People’s Front

Mano Ganeshan – Western Province People’s Front

Jaffna University Professor S Mohanathas & lecturers also participated

Catholic Priests – Rev. Father Jacob Nicholas

Jaffna university students went on a procession denouncing travel restrictions by EU on LTTE.



“Tamil Eelam is not an LTTE proposal. It became our demand after the death of Thanthai Selvam in 1977. It is our need. We’ll always seek a homeland and the LTTE is also part of that struggle,” Jaffna university  student…….

“There are just 5,300 students, of which 75 per cent are from the LTTE controlled area of Vanni” Prof R Kumaravadivel, Vice Chancellor of Jaffna University,

(Rajesh Ramachandran, NDTV, November 26, 2006)


August 2010

LTTE medical cadres trained at Jaffna University Medical Faculty to treat LTTE wounded – Gotabaya Rajapakse

giving evidence to the LLRC. Mr. Rajapakse had met ‘3 LTTE doctors’ at the rehabilitation centre in Senapura. LTTE unused slots given to Sinhala & Muslim students to fill LTTE terrorists.


January 2013

Academic activities set to resume after over a month after Ministry of Higher Education sends ultimatum that the university will be closed if it fails to recommence studies. The university closed on 30 November following boycotting of classes by students & lecturers over arrest by police of students who had clashed with military when they tried to commemorate LTTE Heroes Day. The army declined to release the arrested student leaders claiming them to be members of the LTTE and had been sent to undergo rehabilitation.

Jaffna University VC Vasanthi Arasaratnam


February 2015

Bishop of Mannar Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph on Tuesday (Feb 24) joined a Tamil National Alliance (TNA)-led demonstration in Jaffna against the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) delaying the release of a report – of the 1200 protestors majority were from Jaffna university


November 2015

Pro-LTTE posters in Jaffna University

Posters have been put up within the Jaffna University premises requesting everyone to celebrate LTTE’s ‘Mahaviru’ day that falls on November 27 – posters with the message, ‘Tamil People’s desire is Tamil Eelam,’ ‘Our aim is Tamil Eelam, let’s Celebrate Mahaviru Day,’ were seen in several places within the university premises.


May 2016

LTTE Flower

Jaffna university puts up Eelam map as they remember victims of Mullaivaikkal

The Jaffna university student’s union had invited the public to attend the ceremony. Addressing the gathering,

Northern Province Chief Minister C.V Wigneswaran said, “Not everyone who died during the war was a terrorist. We are here to commemorate the civilians. It is necessary to seek out what happened to these people since a lot of civilians lost their lives due to the war.”


May 2016

LTTE Commemoration Held In Jaffna University

memorial held at Jaffna University showed the signs of a LTTE commemoration. A banner with a map of self-proclaimed Tamil Eelam and the official flower of the LTTE was also exhibited.


July 2016

Tamil Academics White Washing of University of Jaffna Attack to Sinhalese

Joint article by Jaffna University academics N. Sivapalan (Department of Chemistry, Jaffna), S. Selvarajan (Mathematics and Statistics), Rajan Hoole (Science Faculty Board), Prince Jeyaratnam  (Chemistry)


November 2016

Prabakarans 62nd birthday celebrated inside Jaffna university


November 2016

University of Jaffna commemorates Tamil Eelam Heroes

Entire University confluenced at Kailaasapathy Hall commemorating Tamil Eelam Heroes Day

lighting candles in front of the symbol of Kaarthikaip-poo, the flower declared by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as the national flower of Tamil Eelam

“The invincible heroes of the independent struggle of Tamil Eelam, were not prepared to surrender the sovereignty of Eezham Tamils and they sacrificed their lives with dignity. None of them militarily surrendered the struggle. The sovereignty and independence of Eezham Tamils are not negotiable and would brook no compromise, as the doyen of Eelam Tamil sovereignty movement proclaimed it 47 years ago in 1969,” a student leader of Jaffna University Student Union.

Tamil politicians, grassroots activists and the students of Jaffna University also joined the families of Tamil Heroes in cleaning the remaining structures at one of the Tamil Eelam Heroes cemeteries (Maaveerar Thuyilum Illam) at Kanakapuram in Ki’linochchi.


September 2017

Hundreds of students lit candles and gathered in remembrance to pay their respects to Thileepan.


November 2017

Jaffna University–TNA commemorate LTTE ‘TAMIL HEROES’

Were they commemorating “Tamil heroes” who fought against terrorists? NO

Were they commemorating civilians as ‘Tamil heroes’? NO

If not who are they commemorating?


November 2017

Jaffna University community marks Tamil Eelam Heroes Day with renewed resolve

More than 2,000 students along with lecturers, faculty deans and the staff of the University of Jaffna took part in a floral tribute in front of the newly renovated Tamil Eelam Heroes memorial statue


March 2018

Jaffna magistrate orders the President & Members of the Jaffna University. Employees Union not to block the entrance to Ramanathan Hall following a complaint by Kopay police against Sri Nadaraj Kalaraj President of the Employees Union and around 25 others.


April 2018

Jaffna university remembers Anna Poopathy who staged a fast unto death on 19 March 1988 demanding IPKF should negotiate with LTTE. Her photo was placed inside the Jaffna university & students lit candles with LTTE flags adorning the area


September 2018

The Pongu Thamil declaration seeking self-determination for Tamils was first put up on 17 January 2001 and the inscription was built in 2005 during the CFA. It was unveiled at the same venue in Jaffna University built by the Jaffna University Student’s Union and opened by Vice Chancellor R. Vigneswaran in the presence of teachers & students. Sridharan & Sivajilingam also attended the cultural event held thereafter.


November 2018

Posters of LTTE leader’s quotes displayed at Jaffna Uni amid birthday celebration

Jaffna university a state university which tax payers fund cannot be taxed to have quotes of a terrorist on display.


November 2018

Maaveerar Naal is a LTTE event commemorating LTTE dead so why is Jaffna University


November 2018

Jaffna Magistrate’s Court grants permission to organise a commemoration ceremony at the University of Jaffna to remember the dead (which dead? – civilians who were never involved in LTTE / civilians who died engaged in hostilities / LTTE in civilian clothing / civilians in LTTE civilian brigade)


The order was issued after Kopay Police sought suspension of the “Mahaviru Day’ (Mahaveer Naal) commemoration inside Jaffna University. However, it is very clear that Mahaveer Naal is a LTTE commemoration of LTTE dead & questions why Jaffna magistrate knowing this would allow such without using LTTE flags or symbols. Morever if it is does not have anything to do with LTTE why is it being held during the exact week that the LTTE holds its commemoration for LTTE dead?


February 2019

Jaffna Uni. students to observe ‘Black Day’ on Independence Day

Demanding release of ‘Tamil political prisoners’ / ‘missing persons’ during conflict. NPC Chief Minister C V Wignesaran & his newly formed political party Tamil Makkal Koottani (Tamil People’s Front) confirmed its support for the Jaffna student’s protests also announcing support was MP Gajendrakummar Ponnambalam of the TNPF – Tamil National Progressive Front.


February 2019

Banned Mahavir memorial completed and secretly opened

Despite University Grant Commission (UGC) instructions to stop work, university has flouted orders & completed the memorial. The upper part of the memorial displays several signs used by the LTTE to commemorate the Mahaviru day and a symbol hand emerging from the ground.


It is shocking that any government allows a State university to commemorate LTTE terrorists that continues to remain banned and does nothing against Parliamentarians attending when 6th amendment gives provision for action and physical and photographic proof is available.


Contrary to the harped up propaganda that the commemorations are for ‘CIVILIANS’ killed in the last phase the following set of questions remain unanswered.


  • Why is this ‘civilian’ mourning called the same name that LTTE uses to mourn their dead ‘Mahaveer Naal’
  • Why do civilian mourning need to have LTTE emblems, LTTE flags, LTTE memorabilia, LTTE leaders images & quotes, Tamil Eelam flag?
  • Why is the flame of sacrifice lit at the same time that LTTE lights to remember LTTE’s first dead (Shankar)?
  • Why is it only LTTE dead families who are present & not the families of other militant groups or families of Tamils killed by LTTE?
  • Why are these ‘civilian’ commemorations happening the same week as LTTE’s Great Heroes Week culminating in the speech of Prabakaran on his birthday?


None of these questions will be answered or can be answered.


Sadly while pro-LTTE Jaffna University, TNA MPs & associated coterie hold tamashas for dead LTTE only, the surrendered & rehabilitated LTTE cadres continue to be shunned from Tamil society. They are looked down up as being the living reminders of defeat as was visibly described by Tamilini in her book where for over year she remained in prison with no Tamil lawyer coming forward to represent her and eventually 2 Sinhalese lawyers came forward to represent her & help her gain freedom after rehabilitation. What a hypocrisy these pro-LTTE elements including the Jaffna University lecturers, students & staff are and it is a great disappointment that the supposed to be learned are one’s rolling the racism, communalism and separatism wheel and sadly the rest of the Tamils who look up to them for their supposed ‘intellect’ are following them blindly.




Shenali D Waduge

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